I have had the pleasure of visiting Utah a half a dozen times or more. In fact Utah is admittedly one of my favorite places to visit with all its National Parks, wild landscapes and blue, blue skies. This last time though, I was visiting the Capital to make it permanent.

Before I left Michigan I contacted one of our grad school alums in Salt Lake and asked about living there and areas I might want to live in with my family. I arrived early one morning, grabbed my rental car and headed to "catch" my interview at the train station. My interview was held in a board room with approximately ten people in attendance. By midafternoon it was over and I was on my way to the hotel. Tomorrow would be my day to explore the city and possible neighborhoods to transplant my family.

Hall- Home of the Utah Heritage Foundation to meet one of our fellow EMU alums. It was April and the city was blanketed in a thick lush carpet of glorious bloom. Kirk and I had lunch at Red Rock Brewing Company; the only one in Salt Lake City, where we had a tasty lunch and pint. Kirk had some wonderful insight to the city and after our lunch we parted company so I could explore the city.

It was my last day in Salt Lake City and I had still had two very
important places to explore before I returned to Michigan. I left my hotel at the crack of dawn to visit Temple Square and the LDS Library-home of probably the best genealogical libraries in the US.
important places to explore before I returned to Michigan. I left my hotel at the crack of dawn to visit Temple Square and the LDS Library-home of probably the best genealogical libraries in the US.
Last stop-Park City and the place my family would live, should this interview become a reality. Salt Lake City rests in a valley along the western side of the Wasatch Mountains, home to some of the best downhill skiing in the US. The alpine environment Park City offered was the place. I imagined days where the boys would walk in with their snowboards, and the apres ski life for Phil and me. Needless to say, I was sold on Utah. Unfortunately a few days later I was snapped back to reality. the position was awarded to one of the other two candidates. Little did I realize, but a short year and a half later I would be working another kind of Rio Grande in Austin, Tx...overseeing the districts along the US-Mexico border along the Rio Grande River.